
A software model of the tidal regime in the Shannon Estuary and along the adjacent Atlantic Ocean coastlines has been developed so that when a spill occurs, one only has to enter the date, time and location of the spill, the composition of the oil product together with the wind speed and direction in order that the spread of the oil spill can be predicted.

This means that our resources may be deployed in the most useful and expeditious manner and usually in advance of a slick reaching the shore line. This has been further enhanced through GIS modelling incorporating environmental data, photographic images of the coast, response plans, and pollution response strategies.

Tugs on the Shannon Estuary are capable of deploying pollution control equipment. Each of the major fuel oil improters also has its own “in-house” equipment and work boats for immediate response. All of this equipment, together with the additional “common user” equipment held by SEA-PT, is fully interchangeable between all users for use at the scene of any incident as well as being available to the Irish Coastguard for use elsewhere on the coast of Ireland.

List of Equipment:

Sea-Pt Inventory June 2018


In case of an Environmental Emergency:

Contact: (Please remember to state clearly the position and nature of the Environmental emergency)
Marine Operations: +353 (0) 69 73103

Coastguard: 999/112

Duty Harbour Master: +353 (0) 69 73103 (Office Hours)
Duty Harbour Master: +353 (0) 87 2542266 (After Hours)

Port Radio: Shannon Ports Radio Ch16/11
Shannon Pilot Station Radio Ch 16/11
Shannon Coastguard Radio Ch 16/64

For Gardai, Fire, etc: 999/112 (state which service you require)

For equipment contact as per the cascade list


For more information or to place an enquiry please contact Hugh Conlon Shannon Estuary Anti-Pollution Team Harbour Office, Mill House, Foynes, County Limerick, Ireland Tel: +353 69 73100 Fax: +353 69 65142 Email: